[5 Ways] to FIX Hulu error code P-DEV320

There are many online streaming media applications under development in the world. One of the most important paid streaming media service is HULU. Although, it is the best streaming media platform, this kind of application error is very common now. One of the most common errors that occur in the longest period of time is the PDEV320 error code. When streaming online, these error codes may flash on many devices, such as on Xbox One, iPhone, Roku, Android, and smart TVs. This error occurs when a person is watching a movie, episode or live broadcast. We are going to present the methods to fix Hulu error code P-DEV320 in this article.

Fix Hulu Error code P-DEV320

Causes of HULU Error code P-DEV320:

There may be many reasons for this error, some of the reasons are mentioned below.

  • The code error from the providers (HULU) end
  • Connectivity and Internet Network issue
  • Out-of-date application or web browser on the device

There may be other error codes like P-DEV318 and P-DEV322 with alike causes of happening while streaming on the HULU app.

How to Fix HULU Error Code P-DEV320:

There are several ways to fix the error code P-DEV320, and some of the methods are mentioned below.

Also Check:

Method #1- Clearing Cookies and Cache:

The HULU cookies from apps store and cache on the devices which is used to rise the performance of the application but several times the data gets tarnished and this leads to the streaming problem. Consequently, if the error code P-DEV320 occurs you need to clean your cache and cookies once.

Procedure of clearing these cache data on different devices is given below:

For Android Smart TV, Phones, and Tablet:

  1. First go to the settings, in settings just click on apps.
  2. Then, click on the HULU app and go to storage
  3. After that, click on clear cache and cookies.

For iPhones and iPads:

  1. First Go to setting
  2. Then, go to the general section and just click on the storage
  3. Now, click on HULU app and uninstall the hulu app
  4. After uninstalling the hulu application just reinstall the app from apple store.

For Xbox One:

  1. First Go to Menu
  2. Then tap on My Games and Apps
  3. Now choose apps and then highlight the HULU app
  4. Now choose the menu button of the controller
  5. Then choose manage apps
  6. After that, clear data.

For Roku:

  1. First choose Home on the Main Menu
  2. Then from the remote tap home button five times
  3. Then press UP button
  4. After that press the Rewind button and Fast Forward button 2 times
  5. So, the data will be cleared.

Method #2- Internet Connectivity:-FIX Hulu error code P-DEV320

  1. First detach all the devices which are connected with the home network.
  2. Then, shutdown all the background apps on the device.
  3. Now, connect the device to the router through Ethernet Cable
  4. Then Place the router near the device.

Also, the following speeds are required to watch or stream correctly on your HULU application.

  1. First, up to 3Mbps for movies, episodes.
  2. Second, up to 8Mbps for Live streaming.
  3. Also, more than 12Mbps is required for 4K Content.
  4. With slow internet speed, you can also watch all, but the video quality will reduce.

Method #3- Performing Power Cycle:

  1. First, power off your every device in which the error is displaying including your router or modem.
  2. Then wait for a few minutes and after that switch on your device.

Method #4-FIX Hulu error code P-DEV320

What occurs is at many times that there is server repair going on or some other issues being resolved from the company itself.

So, after doing all the likely ways to fix the error and the error code still shows on your device. Then, you must check your notification on your HULU app about any data about server maintenance. Also, still you haven’t got any information there you must check their website or social media account like twitter, Facebook, or Instagram etc.

Method #5-FIX Hulu error code P-DEV320

Still, if you are not pleased with the data you got, you can always email the hulu team on their official Email-id. Also, you can write them on their community website.


Hulu, being a well-known application required to maintain its technical fineness in the market. Some errors like PDEV-320 may be just hinder its image and lead to less subscriptions in the coming times. Hulu error code P-DEV320 turns out to be solvable and the users should not worry about it. So, these are some methods fix Hulu error code P-DEV320. Hope you find all the answers here, thanks.
